I am aware that there is a gap in the blog about our footprints from November to December 2023. The reason behind that is an unexpected accident shaken us to the root during Thanksgiving. It was the genuine kindness from our friends, far or near, supported us through that week. You realized how much light is actually around you at the darkest moments. Eventually it took us weeks to come back to our feet. Right after that we made the trip traveling to San Francisco and Taiwan. The time with families and friends truly restored our energy. Now it’s time to pave this part of the memory lane!
Everything DIY here!
One of the major adjustments about life in Corvallis versus Taipei is you need to manage more stuffs on your own, such as managing a haircut or unclogging the toilet. Well- if you met M, the first thing you would notice is how wild his hair looks like. His hair is thick, curly and with the incredible volume that my volume-booster shampoo would never get me to. His hair spikes on its own without any help of hair gel. Pulling off a successful haircut for him is a true test for any professional hair stylist, imaging how challenging it is for an amateur like me (and trying not to sabotage a middle-schooler’s friendship-building-at-new-school journey underway). Lucky for me – M is really patient and even encouraging. He even gave me advice on how other hair stylists worked when I felt lost in the middle. I’m sure we will get better over time.

Then there was this toilet clogging incident, which I bet happens at every apartment here. Perhaps due to the different designs of the toilet, I never had clogged toilet issues in our Taipei apartment in which we lived for over a decade. I did have a horrifying lesson in San Diego a long time ago where the toilet bowel clogged and overflew after the flush. The aftermath to clean all feces on the floor was traumatizing. The toilet seemed to work perfectly since we moved in. But one morning it just clogged. I got a regular plunger from Bi-Mart but every time the plunger went in, the water level just got higher. It kept approaching the level of overflow and so did my panic attack. With my San Diego lesson, I decided to seek professional help before another tragedy happens. The lady on the other side of the line sincerely suggested me to give it a good hard push via plunger before I ask for the maintenance team to come in. “If they go in and it resolves after they give a couple of really good hard plunger push, you will be charged at $65 for that. Most people are able to resolve this after they plunge it properly and with the right kind of tool.” And she moved on to explain to me the effective type of plunger and the sound in the pipe that I need to pay attention for the unclogged sign. I went to Home Depot to get the type of plunger she described and spent the next two hours in the bathroom trying to figure out how to plunge at the right rhythm, how I poured some water in to unclog without overflow and listened to the signal after which the flush would be possible without overflow. I was literally dancing on my feet when the first flush was back on normal! Never imaged fixing a clogged toilet bowel would bring me so much joy and satisfaction!
於是我去Bi-Mart買了一個普通的吸盤,但每次吸盤進去,水位卻變得更高,看著不斷接近溢出邊緣的水位,我的恐慌也越來越升高。基於我在聖地牙哥的教訓,我決定在另一個悲劇發生之前尋求專業幫助,電話那端的女士聽完我的描述後,真誠地建議我在請維修團隊來之前,用力用吸盤好好吸它一下,“如果他們進去後,經過幾次很有力的吸盤推動後問題解決了,你就得要付65美元的費用,相信我,大多數人在使用正確的工具和正確的方式好好地擰過後就能解決這個問題。” 她繼續向我解釋了有效的吸盤類型和我需要注意的管道中的信號,以確認管路真的通了。掛上電話後的我決心要來奮戰一番,去了趟Home Depot買了她描述的那種吸盤,接下來的兩個小時我都在浴室裡,試圖摸清楚如何按照正確的節奏使用吸盤,如何倒入一些水卻又不會溢出,並仔細聆聽水進入管道後發出的聲音。當第一次沖水恢復正常時,我真的是樂不可支!只能說我從來沒想過修理一個堵塞的馬桶會給我帶來這麼多的喜悅和滿足感!
School & After-School Life of M
School work goes on. Everyday after M gets off school at 15:30, my “shepherd” life starts. Although the pace here is not as fast as Taipei, I feel our time from afternoon into bed time is always packed. There is school work catch-up time as M is still building up language competency. Often it was like puzzles. He tried his best to tell me what he heard in class and I tried to piece everything together to find out what the assignment was or the teaching content from the teacher retrospectively. I took on the tutor hat helping him understand what was taught in class and supporting his homework completion (Fortunately there is very limited homework). On top of this, there is trombone and swimming practice time that he is committed to everyday. I “shepherd” all the way through 9:30PM, including cooking dinner.

The materials are getting more difficult. Other than the ongoing reading of Percy Jackson & the Olympians, Health class touches wide range of topics including puberty and the reproductive systems. Honestly, I’m impressed by myself being able to explain the materials and to talk through “baby-making” process without awkwardness. This was not our first conversation to talk about our body but this is the first one I really get to the core (and because that was what the material offered). When we grew up, the adults never talked about this openly and it was such a taboo to even say those body parts out loud. Initially it was awkward for me to even hear those vocabularies coming out of my own mouth. Yet practice made the difference. I felt more ease over time and grow into the open attitude. If we don’t feel embarrassed and awkward to talk about this, the kids relate to it in a similar way. It is simply part of the process to understand ourselves and understand the world. I may have not nailed this conversation and more to come but I’m so proud this conversation is happening in the right tone.
Swimming remains an essential part of M’s life. He enjoyed attending Meets. He is never a competitive person but he enjoys challenging his own personal best. These days he grew more enthusiasm towards Meets. It’s probably because the vibe here is very different from the meets he attended in Taiwan. Here you would hear all the heartfelt cheering along the pool side mostly by the swimmers’ teammates while it’s dominated by the harsh loud rhythmic shouts by the coaches in Taiwan. I loved seeing his confidence in the water. This is his realm and where he feels belonged.

The beginner’s band hosted their first concert in mid of December, which was only two months since they made decisions on the instrument choice. It was incredible to watch this group of kids going from scratch (i.e. learning how to read sheet music) to delivering this band concert together. I am honestly awed by how Mrs. Smith, their amazing instructor full of energy and passion, groomed this large group of beginners into a sensible band within such short amount of time! When M described their daily progress in the band, I can tell the approach was fun, plenty of room for individual dynamics and encouragement, which is way different from my own childhood band experiences seeking unity and perfection.

Weaving our life into the community
Art Center
The advantage of staying in a college town is the abundant and diverse resources. The Art center here offers various activities every month and keeps the art community together. We went to the art-making event which is offered on 2nd Saturday every month for free. It was relaxing time (for both of us) by immersing ourselves in the world of art-making. I got to have my “quiet time” and enjoyed seeing M’s incredible focus when he works by hands.

Mixed Media painting
It was an accidental find at LBCC(Linn-Benton Community College) but I was so glad that I signed up. Joe, our instructor, is full of fun and lowered our mental barrier stepping into this so-called “modern mixed media art”. He opened up the possibilities for us. There are no must-haves or rules. There are more recommendations, exploring, and lessons learned sharing with one another. I enjoyed the exploring, no right-or-wrong process. I enjoyed sitting on a piece for days, letting the ideas grow organically at its own time and taking the time to build it over weeks. The fellow participants at this class were so lovely and inspiring as well.
這是在LBCC(Linn-Benton Community College) 偶然發現的課程,但我很慶幸我報了名。我們的指導老師Joe非常有趣,他有效降低了我們進入這所謂的“現代混合媒材藝術”的心理障礙,他讓我們看見了可能性,沒有太多的硬規定或規則,更多的是建議、探索和彼此分享的經驗學習。我很享受這種探索,沒有對錯之分的過程。我喜歡能讓一個作品放上幾天,讓想法在時間中「有機」生長,並花時間在幾個星期內把它慢慢完成,這個班上的其他同學也非常可愛,啟發彼此不同的創作靈感。

CERT- Corvallis Emergency Response Team
Following our #iCanHelp foot steps at Forward Alliance in Taiwan and found CERT in Corvallis last October, we started participating in CERT monthly meetings while slowing working through the course training online. Although both Forward Alliance and CERT serve the same purpose for the community, the size and the characteristics of the community shapes the way they operates distinctly. The community here is much smaller compared to Taiwan and we are able to connect with team members more closely through regular gatherings. Initially I was wondering whether we would be good fits at this stage since we are not only the newbies in town but also foreign to many things in this country. Yet the team welcomed us with open arms and especially to M, who is the only minor in the group. The team even went beyond to obtain a traditional Chinese version of CERT manual for M’s reference. Their gestures eased my doubts and felt empowered ready to offer our hands to support this community when the time comes. Here are the photos from a monthly gathers where we learned all about knots- M was really into the practice!
CERT- Corvallis 緊急應變團隊
在台灣參加了壯闊台灣的課程之後,我們對社區民防組織產生了興趣,去年十月我們在 Corvallis 找到了 CERT 團隊,開始參加他們的每月會議,同時慢慢通過線上課程進行培訓。雖然壯闊台灣和 CERT 都擁有一樣的核心服務宗旨,但因著社區的規模和特質的不同,它們的運作方式也有所不同。這裡的社區規模比整個台灣要小得多,我們能夠通過定期聚會更密切地與團隊成員建立聯繫。起初,我還在想我們是否適合在這個階段加入,因為我們不僅對這個鎮還是陌生的,對這個國家來說我們也是「新住民」,加上M還是這裡唯一的未成年成員。然而,CERT團隊以開放的懷抱歡迎我們,甚至還幫M找到了一本繁體中文版本的 CERT 手冊供他參考。他們的舉動消除了我的疑慮,體認到- 即使是我們,也可以在這個社區有需要時伸出援手。這裡是我們在一次聚會中學習繩結的照片 – M 對這個練習非常感興趣!

Embracing the Nature
As the winter approached, we did not stop exploring the trails around the town because of the weather. Getting used to “the muddy” is part of becoming Oregonian. Watching the landscape transforming with the seasons is just fascinating. Sometimes the warning sign of the cougars or the bears pulled us from the awe back on the reality of wilderness. The time into the nature remains a nourishing part of our life here.

Willamette valley is synonymous with “Oregon Wine Country”, where over 500+ wineries locate at. At the weekend before Thanksgiving, there are often open house events hosted by the wineries. It was a typical rainy and foggy Oregon winter weekend and we had our first time experience at Airlie– the breath-taking view of the mountain-lake scenery, the homemade dips that match perfectly with their wines and the furry friendly buddies who showed up next to our laps from time to time (which was lovely to me, scary for M and it was hilarious to watch M’s caught-off-guard face!).
Willamette valley 是「奧勒岡葡萄酒產區」的代名詞,在這裡座落了500多家的酒莊。在感恩節前的週末,這裡的酒莊通常會舉辦開放日活動。那是一個典型的多雨和多霧的奧勒岡冬季週末,我們第一次在Airlie酒莊體驗了開放日,在令人驚嘆的山色湖景旁,品嚐著他們自製的小點與葡萄酒完美搭配,還有時不時會突然出現在我們膝蓋旁的毛茸茸小夥伴們(對我來說很可愛,對M來說有點可怕,看著M有點驚到的表情非常有趣!)。

The Holiday Season
If Halloween is the appetizer for the holiday season, the main courses would be Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thanksgiving is equivalent to our Lunar New Year back home, which stands for family gathering time, the time when the family would get together or even cook together whole day to prepare the feast for the evening. I have a feeling this will become the season we miss our families and friends dearly in the years to come. For our very first Thanksgiving here though, we were lucky to have a “Friendsgiving”!! A couple families of my friends, whom we have known one another since we were 10-yr old, decided to travel all the way from California to Corvallis for a reunion!
The food they brought from California made me realize how homesick our stomaches were. There are fresh guava from the trees in my aunt’s garden. The aroma of the pink guava literally filled our entire apartment as soon as the box was opened. Not to mention those classic Taiwan flavors- pork bun, Zongzi (rice dumpling), braised minced pork and Napa cabbage stew. I happily stocked my refrigerator with all the comfort food.
他們從加州帶來的食物,讓我意識到自己的胃有多麼想家。這裡面有從我阿姨的花園裡摘來的新鮮番石榴,當打開盒子時,土芭樂的香氣立即充滿了整間公寓。更不用說那些經典的台灣美食了 – 香菇豬肉包、粽子、肉燥和白菜滷,我興高采烈地把冰箱塞滿了這些難得的家鄉美味。

Though we’ve known one another for over 30 years, our path didn’t actually cross frequently in the past few decades and yet somehow we stayed in touch. It is simply incredible that we got to get together at this exact time/place with our families altogether and enjoyed each other’s company. That to me is the essence of beauty in human connections.

After spending the time together around Corvallis, some of us went on a brief road trip along Oregon coast to Astoria as well. This turned out to be an unexpected episode making this Friendsgiving unforgettable.
This roller-coaster part of the journey included the first-time 911 call, filing a missing person & car report, finding the way traveling 170+miles back to Corvallis with a tween & the luggages but without a car while extreme fear and anxiety haunting my mind imaging the worst all the time. The four days felt like weeks to me but fortunately this story had a happy ending (plus driving 350 miles within one day to get the car back.) The silver lining behind this dramatic journey is that we got to bear witness of the remarkable kindness from people, who helped us along the way unconditionally. We saw and felt the goodness in humanity at our most vulnerable moments. I guess you only realize how warm and bright. the torches are when you found yourselves in an absolutely shitty dark place. We felt grateful for every bit of safety and stability in life that we once took for granted. What a Thanksgiving!!
這段波折的旅程包含了第一次打911求助,失蹤人口和車輛報案,帶著一個孩子和行李卻沒有車子,想辦法要回到距離170多英里的鎮上,同時間我的腦袋不斷上演、想像著最糟的結局,極度恐懼和焦慮蔓延全身。對我來說,這四天感覺就像幾個星期,但幸運的是,這個故事有一個快樂的結局(再加上一天內開車350英里去取回車子)。如此戲劇性的旅程卻有個獨特的美好角度- 我們得以目睹在這段旅途中無條件地幫助我們的人們,在最脆弱的時刻,我們看到並感受到了人性的善良,我想只有在身處一個非常糟糕的黑暗地方時,才能意識到火把是如何溫暖和明亮的。因為這段旅程,我們對於生活中曾經視為理所當然的每一點安全和穩定重新產生了感恩之心,多麼名符其實的感恩節啊!

We didn’t get to spend this Christmas in town with the pre-planned trip back to Taiwan during winter break. And yet there are a lot of pre-Christmas celebrations allowed us to taste the holiday vibe.
Pastega Family Christmas Display
This generous offer from Pastega family has gone on for over 40 years. However this would be the final year of this unique drive-through experience of Christmas display.
Pastega 家庭聖誕展示
Pastega 家庭慷慨地贊助了這個活動已經超過 40 年了,然而,這將是這個獨特的「得來速式」聖誕展示的最後一年。

Holiday Craft Bazaar
The bazaar gives you the taste of the community here – A mixture of produce from local farm or fisheries and the artwork/crafts from local artists.
這個市集讓你品嚐這裡的社區氛圍 – 集合了當地的農產品、鄰近漁港的海鮮製品以及當地藝術家的藝術品/手工藝品。

Christmas Storybook Land
This event relives your favorite childhood nursery rhymes, fairy tales and family movies in a magical indoor walk-thru forest! You may run into your favorite Star Wars characters and meet Santa of course!

Christmas cookie party with Curves 9am squad
Only until this season, I realized Christmas has become a symbol where you express your love and appreciation for your loved ones- friends and families. Being invited to this Christmas party of our Curves squad was a surprise because I know that they have planned this for a while and I haven’t joined this community for long. Maybe my breakdown in the gym after returning from that Thanksgiving trip somehow became a start for connection- I don’t know. But I know that I felt grateful being at the party. It was like being in a cozy warm bath- a bath full of kindness, fun and belonging. The gifts coming my way were received in the way behind material level and made my heart really full and warm. It was exactly what my heart yearn for after the shaky days. And with that, we put a sweet period to our 2023 chapter in Corvallis
聖誕餅乾派對與 Curves 晨間 9 點小隊
直到這次的聖誕節,我才意識到聖誕節已成為一個象徵,是一個向摯愛的朋友和家人表達愛和感激之情的節日。當我被邀請參加這個聖誕派對時,我感到有些意外,因為我知道他們已經精心計劃了一段時間,而我加入這裡Curves的時間並不長,也許是我從感恩節旅行回來後,第一次回去運動時不小心的那個淚眼崩潰,成為了一個彼此連接的開端- 我也不確定。但我知道當我踏入派對時的感恩心情,就像是踏入一個溫暖舒適的浴缸裡一樣 – 一個充滿善意、樂趣和歸屬感的浴缸。我所收到的禮物超越了物質層面,讓我的心充滿了溫暖而飽足,在經歷過那段感恩節波折後,這正是我的心所渴望的。這也為我們在科瓦利斯的 2023 年章節畫下了一個甜蜜的句點。