By David Whyte

The blessing of the morning light to you,
may it find you even in your invisible
may you be seen to have risen
from some other place you know and have known in the darkness and that that carries all you need.
May you see what is hidden in you
as a place of hospitality and shadowed shelter,
may what is hidden in you become your gift to give,
may you hold that shadow to the light
and the silence of that shelter to the word of the light,
may you join every previous disappearance
with this new appearance, this new morning,
this being seen again, new and newly alive.
願你被看見,彷彿從你熟知而又陰暗的地方升起, 而它承載著你所需的一切
願你看見你內心隱藏的一切, 作為一個款待和遮陰庇護的所在
願你將那陰影帶到光線之下, 並將庇護所的寂靜帶進言語的光明之中
願你將每一次先前的消失, 與這個新的出現融合,
這個再次被看見的, 新而又新生的一刻。
Eileen's note: I was deeply touched by the poetry offering by David Whyte during Global Joy Summit this week! What would the adolescent me say if she gets to meet who I've become today? She would be amazed, I think. Then I would tell her the stores of the valleys that I've walked through, which grew me into who I'm now. I am feeling hope rooting in my heart.